…for development

Tuesday, 15th of April, 2014 The Partnering Project: Citizens and Leaders Finding Solutions Community Needs Assessment in: ,

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) – Beirut office, contracted “ … For Develolpment, c.c” to perform the following tasks:

1- Develop an informed curriculum and an agenda for training civil society organizations
that will provide participating groups with the capacity to conduct community need
assessments in Lebanon;
2- Provide a trainer/facilitator, who has previous experience in the conduct of needs
assessments and a successful track record as a trainer, to implement a two day training for
representatives of five civil society organizations (NDI will provide administrative,
material and logistical support for the training);
3- Create a needs assessment survey/questionnaire to be delivered by trained civil society
organizations based on input from participating civil society organizations and NDI;
4- Work with NDI to oversee implementation of the need assessments and assist in
troubleshooting problems that surface during this period;
5- Conduct a complete analysis of the results derived from the needs assessment field work;
6- Draft a final report with an executive summary and eight sections – one section outlining
the methodology used, five sections – one for each organization – highlighting key
findings by each district or region included in the assessment (including geographic,
political and demographic characteristics), geographic areas covered in the assessment,
demographic significance where relevant, one section that underscores trends or
directional information that might indicate national trends, and one section that compiles
all key findings and relevant conclusions drawn from the data collected and ascertained in the analysis.